Joseph was diagnosed in July 2020 with DIPG at 17 years old, several years older than the average age at diagnosis, which is 6-7. "JoJo", the youngest of 3 children and only son, loves Marvel, Star Wars, and crazy socks. His personality is very sweet and kind, and his mom says he is her true hero, a warrior, and she is proud to be his mom. Prior to his diganosis, JoJo was a very healthy and active young man. He loved playing soccer, excercising, and hanging out with his friends. One day his mom noticed that Joseph was walking like his equilibrium was "off". Thinking it was nothing serious, most likely just an ear infection, his mom took him to the doctor where unfortunately an MRI confirmed every parent's worst nightmare, a brain tumor in his brainstem called DIPG.
JoJo went through radiation and was enrolled in the ONC201 trial at NYU and Memorial Sloan Kettering hosptials in New York. He finished a second round of radation on July 12, 2021. Joseph's tumor continued to progress and he was healed in Heaven on November 21, 2021.
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